These are some useful modules you can use. Simply create a new page and use them, or add them to an existing page.

Example code Suggested page name Effect this code will have Read more
[[module TagCloud]] system:page-tags Will display a list of tags used in the site tagcloud-module
[[module Members]] system:members Displays a list of all site members members-module
[[module Search]] search:site Allows a visitor to search your website search-module
[[module SiteChanges]] system:recent-changes Shows a list of recent changes to the whole site sitechanges-module
[[module MembershipApply]] system:join Membership via application. Enable here. membershipapply-module
[[module MembershipByPassword]] system:join Membership via password. Enable here. membershipbypassword-module
[[module Pages]] system:list-all-pages Lists all pages within the site pages-module
[[module Categories]] system:list-all-categories Lists all categories within the site categories-module
Read about the many other modules that are available
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